Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu.

Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu.
Please note all posting on RCKB activities will be posted at This blog will be used for my personal posting on Rotary activities.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu activities.

Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu (RCKB)2008/09.
This blog is being created to improve communications among RCKBrians. Blogging have become a very popular pastime lately. So do not be left out. All RCKBrians are encourage to use this blog to make announcement or to post any article pertaining to RCKB activities.
However blogging do have it limitation and constraint since it is only a tool. The rest depend a lot on you. To give us some blogging practice, may I suggest each one of us contribute one article each every month. Well it do not have to be 'rocket scientist' material but something simple about yourself or family.
OK lets give it a try, shall we?

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