Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu.

Rotary Club of Kampong Baharu.
Please note all posting on RCKB activities will be posted at This blog will be used for my personal posting on Rotary activities.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

RCKB Weekly meeting no.18/2008 (7.5.08)


As few key members were away due to unforeseen circumstances, I was requested to chair the weekly meeting. It is heartening to know that despite some members constraints we have continue the Rotary tradition ie holding our weekly club meeting and have a wonderful fellowship in the process. I received sms, emails and phone call from members informing of their unavailability as well some status to report in their absence. So guys do make use of the Internet facilities to keep in touch, the convenient of browsing using your laptop or just walk in to one of those cybercafe at as low as rm2 an hour. Note, PP Din responded by sms saying he is still overseas.
We have two guest who attended our meeting. They were Jamil and Siti. This is an interesting phenomenon. People are interested enough to know what we are doing. This is an opportunity for RCKB membership drive.
Announcement made:
PP Hj.Razali - contact established with Uni Kuala Lumpur on the formation of Rotaract Club.
Rtn Dr.Feardaus - identified recepient and VIP in Penang for District Dictionary project.
IPP Shah - delivered short talk on ABC of Rotaty, covering topics below;
Definition of Rotary
Rotary is an organization Of business and professional persons united worldwide Who provide humanitarian service, Encourage high ethical standards in all vocations And help build goodwill and peace in the world.
Rotary's Wheel Emblem.
Illustrate civilization and movement. The wheel consist of 24 cogs and six spokes
In the center is a keyway.
Founding date.
23 Feb 1905 in Chicago Illinois.
Objective of ROTARY
To encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise in particular to encourage and foster :
1.. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity of service
2.. High ethical standard in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society
3.. The application of the ideal service in each Rotarian personal, business and community life
4.. The advancement of an international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world of fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service
Rotary mottoes
Service above self .. the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service
4 way test
1.. Is it the TRUTH
2.. Is it FAIR to all concerned
4.. Will it be beneficial to all concerned
Four avenues of service
1.. Club service .. necessary activities to make club function successfully.
2.. Vocational Service .. represent one's vocation, undertake project related to career planning, vocational training, promoting high ethical standard
3.. Community Service .. improve quality of life in their community
4.. International Service .. program and activities to advance international understanding , goodwill and peace.
Classification Principle
Based on activity not rank.
Note: Venue of Meeting moved to Maju Palace Restaurant, Maju Junction.

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